Wouldn’t that be “all” JWs since the WTBTS considers them all to be ordained ministers.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
Illinois Elders as mandatory reporters must undergo training
by Diogenesister inillinois now requires all elders as mandatory reporters to undergo state approved training every three years to ensure they fully understand their roles as mandated reporters.
this will include a pre training assessment, 60 - 90 mins of self paced, interactive training with a final assessment to ensure reporters understand their responsibilities.
following the course, mandated reporters must make a declaration that they understand their status as a reporter and will fully comply with mandatory requirements.
Anony Mous
I do believe you can run a government without any or minimal taxation, one system that has been proposed is to only levy a minimal total property tax.
That guarantees that the only thing the government would be interested in is protecting the value of real property, people aren’t hoarding property because it would cost too much money, businesses would optimize for space and thus it would become affordable for anyone to buy and own property. People would be forced to make long term decisions, in the realm of policy and anywhere else.
The government shouldn’t be in charge of welfare or any other services, leave that to individual organizations such as charities and insurance.
Anony Mous
Taxes are bad, any reduction of them is good for the economy. All tax breaks are tax breaks for the rich, the poor do not pay taxes.
Even if you go for a flat tax rate or want to eliminate all taxes, the rich will always have their taxes reduced by more. If I could afford a Ferrari, I will pay $250k * 10% in taxes. If I am poor, I will buy a piece of shit and pay $2500 * 10%. If someone eliminated sales taxes, the media would still say: hey the rich guy got their taxes reduced by $25000, and you only got $250, get the pitchforks.
In the US, approximately 80% of the Federal Revenue is paid by people making over 250k, 90% of it is paid by people making over $1M.
Reagan cut marginal taxes from 73% to 28%, the US saw the greatest economic recovery followed by the greatest income growth (20%/year) until Clinton destroyed the dotcom era with taxes, regulation and interest rate shenanigans.
Thatcher cut marginal taxes from 80% to 60% and although not as great as the US, it did start an economic recovery that lasted until Tony Blair “redistributive economy” hiked taxes by an estimated GBP2000/person/year (even at the low end) which doubled interest and inflation rates.
Ron DeSantis: "We do not require assistance. The people of Florida will rebuild on our own"
by BettyHumpter inas if.no, of course he's already asking for federal aid.
it's the republican way.
florida needs the rest of the country to pitch in taxpayer dollars because it's different when it happens to me.
Anony Mous
Interesting that I explain to you the reason your data is wrong and then you quote the exact same data as if it were gospel.
There are other data sources that chart federal tax breaks through the SALT deduction, federal ‘forgivable’ loans etc.
Also, you claim civil rights were a problem in the south, look up which party did that. The party of the KKK, the party that opposed civil rights bills in the senate that had been proposed since the 1940s, certainly not the party of Abraham Lincoln. The same party today that keeps the poor poor, through welfare and handouts, the party that proposes mass abortion for blacks and single parenthood, destroying black culture. The party that says you’re not black if you don’t vote for them, the party that says women and men are functionally the same thereby destroying LGB and women/men’s rights.
Ron DeSantis: "We do not require assistance. The people of Florida will rebuild on our own"
by BettyHumpter inas if.no, of course he's already asking for federal aid.
it's the republican way.
florida needs the rest of the country to pitch in taxpayer dollars because it's different when it happens to me.
Anony Mous
Left wing state receive far more aid overall than any other. Your can look up the largest receivers of total federal funds and take into account those numbers are excluding the large amount of accounting tricks such as the fact they can deduct local taxes from federal taxes (which is basically giving them a massive tax break), the fact they also get funding to maintain large amounts of federal lands and other federal handouts.
Biggest receivers of Federal funds per capita when accounting for the tax breaks: New York (>$30k/resident), Connecticut, New Jersey California and DC.
Other accounting tricks: federal loans, it doesn’t show up on the balance sheet, NY is also at the top of never paying back, at just 9% annually (so 90% of their grants and loans are never paid back)
Ron DeSantis: "We do not require assistance. The people of Florida will rebuild on our own"
by BettyHumpter inas if.no, of course he's already asking for federal aid.
it's the republican way.
florida needs the rest of the country to pitch in taxpayer dollars because it's different when it happens to me.
Anony Mous
Hurricane Sandy hit NYC and destroyed 300 homes and did $19B in damage. Obama immediately signed $4.2B in aid for NY. The same hurricane hit New Jersey and did approximately $65B in damage in that state. Obama signed $300M because NJ governor was Chris Christie, his political opponent.
The vote you are talking about was in Congress to amend these numbers. Democrats eventually allocated about $50B for NY. and NJ got $2B, eventually they got to about $5B in total aid. NYC still has $8B it hasn’t even spent yet in 2019.
Obviously Republicans opposed this straight up political favoritism and government handouts disguised as aid.
Get your background straight, there was a reason why people opposed giving NY even more funding.
I made a page where you can search the subtitles of all videos on JW.BORG
by ComingOutaMyCage ini recently went through and extracted all the subtitles for every video on the platform.
i've compiled them here on a searchable page.. https://comingoutamycage.github.io/jw_lib_analytics/vodsearch.html.
also, here are he most commmon scriptures within videos:.
Anony Mous
I’ve been experimenting with the same on the more ‘scriptural’ talks and the engine is literally going into reasoning circles over and over again.
This is not supposed to happen (it’s supposed to give random but progressive story) but having trained it on some of the JW.org content from the above website, it is literally breaking modern AI engines to go into a loop. I was able to feed it a scripture with some context, it keeps circling around a scripture, gives the WTBTS valid explanation, quotes more scriptures from various Bible verses that are vaguely related (quite impressive actually), then goes back to the same scripture and gives the same explanation worded slightly different over and over again with different scriptures every time, putting emphasis on different words. Hilarious.
I made a page where you can search the subtitles of all videos on JW.BORG
by ComingOutaMyCage ini recently went through and extracted all the subtitles for every video on the platform.
i've compiled them here on a searchable page.. https://comingoutamycage.github.io/jw_lib_analytics/vodsearch.html.
also, here are he most commmon scriptures within videos:.
Anony Mous
Interesting. I took one of Anthony Morris’ talks through an inference engine (AI) to predict what he was going to say next:
Now, we’re going to look at why we should take the initiative,how to take the initiative,and then a concluding thought about who’s helpingin directing us in our preaching work.Now, first of all, why take the initiative?Well, think about it.One thing about being Jehovah’s Witnessesis that we’re never off duty.We never stop being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses—wherever we are or whatever we’re doing.So it isn’t just when we’re outin the formal preaching work with a congregation group—we are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses all the time.There’s no such thing as being off dutywhen we’re one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.Now, to give you an idea of howsignificant this is with informal witnessing,I will tell you a statistic: A survey was taken some years ago(and you’d be surprised, possibly),and one group of over 200 baptized Witnesses,now notice, over 40 percenthad been contacted by informal witnessing.Isn’t that amazing?Now, you could assume that thisgroup are the totalJehovah’s Witnesses in this country,wherever they are,whether in New York or England or San Francisco.Well, yes. But actually, this is aconservative estimate, becausepeople are tempted to become more passive in their approach.And if you’ve seen that sign on a congregation door,“No finger food,” then you’ll have an idea of what I’m talking about.People are embarrassed to approachseemingly shy people.But that’s why the evidencegives us an opportunity—a very significant opportunity—to remind themthat we’re one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.Now, of course,even then, a major problem would be to get the person in question to sign the second witness cardin the book.But even though they don’t have to sign, it’sreally a very good sign when they do.And what’s going to make them feelmore comfortable isthe factthat we’re letting themknow that we are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.We’re not just goingoff-dutyand letting them do it.Now, it’s true that they’renot really off-duty,butinitiating an approach like that shows us we’re not just passively watching, andthat they’reopen to what we have to say, because we’re therebeing Jehovah’s Witnesses.Now, to give you some examples:Just a few weeks ago, one of the brotherhoods here onthe West Coast was visited by a Brother McDonald.Now, remember, that this is a recent brotherhood.They only have, I think, four active members.They’ve come here on a special invitation from Jehovah’s Witnessesin southern California, to the Sacramento, wherethey are holding a conference for about 1,500 Brothers from that congregation.Well, it was a good opportunity for us to present them with an introduction to JW-Canada, with sometourism literature and brochures.And they really enjoyed it.And they asked for other presentations and materialsthey could take back to their congregation.We hope that other JW groupswill do the same.We’ll help you, of course, if you wanta particular copy or flyer or whatever.If you’re making a presentation to peoplein your congregation, and you’d likea pamphlet or a pamphlet[telephone talk transcript, side two:]with a list of things to do in the area, ora tourist brochure, you could always give it to a Brother who’s goingto be at the venue.Or you could give it to thembefore they’re there.Well, that was part of what happened a few weeks ago in Sacramento.Another Brother came along.And as we’ve been saying, we try to introduce them to each othersince we’re on the same page.But this Brother’s brother-in-lawwas living in south Sacramento, andhe wanted to have a look at this conference, so he went along.And when he found out that we were there, hevolunteered to give us a tour of the area.I think he was a little surprised to be given thisopportunity.He said that he was a bit intimidated when he firstwoke up and found he was the only member of his family who was a Jehovah’s Witness.But we have been ableto introduce him to a lot of people.And we’re very thankful to him.Well, itmay not seemthat significant.He didn’tvolunteer to give us a tour.He didn’tgive us his phone number so we could contact himlater.But when people find out that they’re not alone, that there are other Jehovah’s Witnesses inthe area, that there are other Witnesscampsites or campgrounds or accommodation places, they’re always willing tohelp each other out.Sometimes they have to get introduced to each other.Sometimes we have to go on the give a bit of a tourtogether.But the point is,when you gofor avacation, you’re alreadylike-minded, of course, and you want to be with other people in yourgroup.But being introduced by somebody else, likea brother or a sister-in-law, or a friend who comes tovisit you in the resort or at your campground, can really make adifference, as well.Again, it’s not avolunteer effort.But we’d be happy to accept any kind of invitations to go for atour. -
A humorous look at the efficacy of the vaccines
by Vidqun inhttps://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/friday-dark-humor-vaccine-efficacy-science-explained.
Anony Mous
@TD: Here’s just one with less than half a Google search: https://www.cell.com/trends/molecular-medicine/fulltext/S1471-4914(22)00103-4
There is plenty of literature, mRNA vaccines have been tested since the 1980s for everything from flu to HIV without any effective treatment, most of that research has been prematurely shut down for its side effects. Until 2020 we literally did not know what the effect of mRNA vaccines on the human body would be and we still don’t have any longitudinal data. mRNA vaccines were considered to be a dead end in the last few years.
However the main proponent of the mRNA theory and major patent holder, who has pushed things like the failed mRNA HIV vaccination programs out of NIAID since 1988 (such as HVTN) was one Anthony Fauci, a research scientists that failed to produce any effective results in his own research and thus went to the place where many failed scientists end up, NIH.
A humorous look at the efficacy of the vaccines
by Vidqun inhttps://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/friday-dark-humor-vaccine-efficacy-science-explained.
Anony Mous
@Riley, your data is pretty similar to people dying before the vax. Or Israel where 99% of the population is vaxxed. The facts have always been that the elderly die quickly once infected.
The vaccination was supposed to stop the spread and infections, because that’s what vaccines do. Interesting that the data qualifies they didn’t get their third booster, because the 2 vaccinations and 2 boosters didn’t help?
It is called p-hacking, basically you find subgroups in the data that reflect the hypothesis you want to make. So the people with vaccines and 2 boosters die at the same rate than the unvaccinated (which now includes people that don’t have the full panel of minimum recommended boosters), it must be the tiny population of people that are now too scared to go outside that did get their third and fourth boosters, they don’t die as quickly.